Welcome to the Chiltern Alpine & Rock Garden Group

Welcome to the Chiltern Alpine & Rock Garden Group

Welcome to the Chiltern Alpine & Rock Garden Group

Who‌ ‌are‌ ‌we?‌

As a local group of the Alpine Garden Society we are an active and welcoming group, of about 50 people, with a focus on alpines and rock gardening. We are based in the Chilterns, with members coming from across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Berkshire. Our members have a passion for plants and range from experienced alpine growers and exhibitors, through to keen amateurs and beginners with little alpine and rock gardening knowledge, but also include people who just have a love of plants and gardens in general.


We have monthly meetings with expert guest speakers, where we explore alpine flora in the wild as well as in rock gardens and general cultivation, but also plants and gardening more widely to enhance your botanical and environmental knowledge and to aid conservation. Members are encouraged to bring along plants to all the meetings for display and once a year we seek to have our own show of members’ plants.

CONTACT: chiltern@alpinegardensociety.org

When and where do we meet?

We meet on the second Friday of the month September -May, talks start at 7.30pm.
 Visitors are very welcome. January and February talks are online, via Zoom.


Great Kingshill Village Hall, Missenden Road, Great Kingshill, Buckinghamshire, HP15 6DW.

The car park at the hall is small. There is additional parking beyond the playing fields, on Common Road, Great Kingshill, HP15 6EN

Next meeting Friday 14 February

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James Miller – Andean Alpines
7.30pm online via Zoom


AGS Shows Photographs

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Members Photos

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