New/Potential Members
The Committee and current members would like to welcome all new/potential members to our Group. Although we are based in the Chilterns you do not need to live in our area to become a member, and you also don’t currently need to be an Alpine Garden Society (AGS) member, although we would always recommend and encourage you join the AGS to support its conservation aims and to enjoy the wider benefits of the Society.

What membership gives you
Speakers at our meetings are drawn from alpine and horticultural specialists, nursery owners, experienced alpine travellers and experts in other related fields. We also welcome talks from members. At most meetings in the hall members bring in a selection of plants for display and once a year we seek to have our own group show of members’ plants.
We usually meet monthly between autumn and spring in Great Kingshill Village Hall. In winter some talks are via Zoom, at home, with no meeting in the hall. We also also occasionally use Zoom either to “beam” into the hall or to “beam” out from the hall to enable us to have a wider choice of speakers and to enable members who cannot get to the hall to still enjoy the talks.
At the meetings members, and often the speakers, bring plants for sale and we hold a raffle. Profits from these support the Group’s funds and allow us to maintain our high standard of invited speakers. Our tea break is a great chance to talk with other members and the speakers – who are always delighted to have a chat. We keep in touch by newsletters and emails and all members are invited to contribute articles.
We usually try to arrange, at least once a year, a visit to a garden, specialist plant nurseries or to see local native flora and regularly organise a trip for a few nights away during the summer. Recent trips have included visits to Ireland, Scotland, Norfolk and the Lake District.
Please do come along as a visitor to enjoy one of our meetings to see if you’d like to join us regularly. You would be most welcome. There is no need to contact us before attending a meeting in the hall but please get in touch with John Gill, our chairman if you have any questions or would like to join a meeting via Zoom at:
The membership year runs from September. New members joining after then will pay a reduced amount depending on their joining date.
Annual membership
Individual membership is £18 for the year 2024 to 2025. Plus £1 per meeting to include tea, coffee and biscuits. Please bring cash on the night.
For meetings in the hall the charge per visitor is £4, including tea, coffee and biscuits.
For virtual meetings via Zoom meetings we charge visitors prior to joining the meeting. The amount varies according to the cost of the speaker and will be per log-on. Please email us a few days before the meeting to organise your log-on at:
For all about the national AGS and how to join please go to their website at